Book 1

Broken Ascension

by Dave Walsh

Published 28 January 2020

The war is over, and there are no winners. Just a broken galaxy.

Now humans and aliens must share this war-torn galaxy. None of this matters to Drake, though, he's just an artist. He's tagging along on the busted up ship Trystero, along with its ragtag crew. Together, they traverse the Demilitarized Zone between Terran and Gra'al borders, taking on any job they can find. Big or small. Human or alien.

The galaxy changes when the crew encounters a derelict alien ship, its crew slaughtered. With his dying breath, a crewman points them to a box. In it? An abandoned alien baby. When their government refuses to get involved, Drake and the crew need to return the baby they've been calling Bruce home, a bloodthirsty warlord on their tail.

His quest? Find Bruce and claim the Gra'al throne, declaring a new war on humanity.

Drake never wanted to be a hero... now he's all that stands in the way of a fragile peace between humans and aliens.

Book 2

Fractured Sentinel

by Dave Walsh

Published 23 February 2020

A bloody battle left the planet Thuul as a watery grave for human and alien alike.

For Valencia and the crew of the Trystero it was just another planet and their job was simple: retrieve some jettisoned cargo nearby and return it to their client. The simple jobs were always the ones that caused the most problems, though.

The crew of the ship that had lost the cargo? Missing. Never mind a flickering, unidentified alien vessel appeared in orbit around the watery planet Thuul and reports of ships going missing nearby.

With her crew already drifting apart and everything she's worked for hanging in the balance there's no room for mistakes. The mystery of Thuul and the flickering sentinel in orbit lead Valencia and the crew into the depths of their own minds in this psychological space adventure.

Book 3

Shattered Lineage

by Dave Walsh

Published 31 March 2020

He may be dead but the power of a god lives on.

Drake’s life will never be the same again, not after an all-powerful being took root inside his mind. Drake saw Him die with his own eyes, destroyed along with an entire planet. Then why does Drake still hear that voice in the back of his head?

Valencia has her own demons to face, her bond with Emma—the Sentinel—left her to mull her own existence and crave the family she never had more than ever. Drake ran off to take care of Bruce and that new guy aboard the Trystero? What a joke.

Slowing down isn’t an option, though, not when the enraged son of a fallen Gra’al warlord—the one they killed—has his sights set on the power stirring inside of Drake and exacting his revenge on the galaxy. 

He’ll stop at nothing to repair his shattered lineage, even if it means the destruction of both the Terran and Gra’als altogether. 

Book 4

Severed Galaxy

by Dave Walsh

Published 20 November 2020

The bullet from a lone assassin unleashes a symphony of destruction in the galaxy.

Locked up in endless meetings, Valencia finds herself at the whim of the Terran government while they plot the best use for the amazing powers she can command... Or at least the powers she could command. With each passing day, her connection with the Sentinel slips from her grasp, leaving her desolate and depressed.

Across the galaxy, Drake grapples with the immensity of his own transformation. Shielded by Valencia from Terran officials, he’s raising the heir to the Gra’al throne in his own isolation while danger simmers inside of him that promises to tear him apart unless he can learn to control it.

Progress stops for no one, though, as a fringe extremist group invites chaos back into the galaxy, stoking the flames within Terran space to arise and destroy the carefully won peace with the Gra’al.

The crew of the Trystero ride again, the fate of the galaxy hanging in the balance.

Book 5

Smashed Hopes

by Dave Walsh

Published 6 May 2022

Book 6

Cracked Palace

by Dave Walsh

Published 10 January 2023