Book 1


by JC Andrijeski

Published 17 February 2021

He appeared out of nowhere - naked, blue-eyed, flickering with blue and white light, a silver hammer perched on one muscular shoulder.

When he walked out of the bar without a word, I, Silvia Hope, thought I’d never see him again. Naked cosplay? Drunken dare? I figured I’d never know. Until, on my walk home, there he is again, fighting with another guy in the park by my house.

Then the lightning starts, the glowing eyes, and the guy he’s fighting seems to transform into a giant snake.

I start wondering if someone dosed me in that bar. Still, I take Thor home, where he tells me he’s a god. Oh, and thanks to a Dragon God named Jörmungandr, I have some kind of magic object embedded in my throat, and there’s a good chance I’ll die if someone can’t fix me, fast. So that’s neat.

Meanwhile, Thor stares at me a lot, and man, can that guy stare. It’s really not fair, that stare, especially with those eyes.

I know it’ll never work. I mean, he’s a god, I’m a tech nerd who can barely make rent. Then there’s that whole, I’ll-probably-die thing, thanks to his crazy Asgardian family. But we keep getting thrown together as he tries to save my life, and it’s getting harder to pretend the only sparks between us are coming from his hammer.


THOR is the first book in Gods on Earth, a paranormal romance and urban fantasy series by USA TODAY and WALL STREET JOURNAL bestselling author, JC Andrijeski. It’s ideal for people who want a light romp to Asgard, naked gods appearing magically in their local bars, and a dose of wicked trickster games.

Book 2


by JC Andrijeski

Published 10 March 2021

I won. I, Loki, stole the magical ring right out from under Odin’s and Thor’s noses. Right before a little minx stole it from me.

I outsmarted them all. I tricked my brother and father, and even my water-dragon son, sending them on a ridiculous chase while I slipped out the back door. I nearly got caught––twice––but in the end, I possessed the prize––the magical Andvaranaut, a god’s ring that allows me to hide out on Earth as long as I wish.

Then she came along.

That little human thief took it right off me, in broad daylight, in the bustling markets of Nepal, without me feeling an Asgardian thing. I’m onto her now though, hot on her trail and closing in. I’ll get that deliciously devilish girl if it’s the last thing I do.

Even if that means punishing her in ways both of us might enjoy. Perhaps especially if it means that, now that I’ve gotten a good look at the little minx.

The more I learn about this Lia Winchester, professional thief, proficient liar, brilliant escape artist, and unbelievably sexy mortal, the more I find myself wanting to draw out this chase, to savor it… perhaps to even partner with her on a heist of our own.

It’s been a long time since anyone’s managed to surprise me.

I think it’s only right that I return the favor.


LOKI is book #2 in Gods on Earth, a fun paranormal romance and urban fantasy series, ideal for people who want a light romp to Asgard, mischievous gods falling for unwitting humans and battling over magical objects, not to mention dragons, magical wolves, grumpy witches, and a dose of wicked trickster games.

Book 3


by JC Andrijeski

Published 24 March 2021

I’m trying to save her life.
I’m trying to stop a war.
But nothing about Marion Ravenscroft is easy.
And the world wants to careen into war, no matter what I do.

I’m out of practice in dealing with human women.

Especially human women who do strip teases for me, the first time I meet them. Especially human women I feel strangely drawn to, pulled into, like I knew her before I even met her. Especially human women who won’t do a damned thing I say.

I’m Tyr, God of War, son of Odin.

I’m supposed to be the adult in the room. Among my brothers, I’m the one who is duty-bound to keep the humans from destroying themselves, to keep peace among their tribes. Yet it was Loki who sent me on this quest, when his new wife stumbled upon a plot to kidnap the daughter of the President of the United States.

It should have been an easy way to stop a war. A simple tracking job. A simple rescue. I deliver Marion to her father, and then I deal with the dark forces attempting to harm her.

But Marion won’t let me save her.

She also might be the thing to finally make me lose my cool.


TYR is book #3 in Gods on Earth, a fun paranormal romance and urban fantasy series, ideal for people who want a light romp to Asgard, mischievous gods falling for unwitting humans and battling over magical objects, not to mention dragons, magical wolves, grumpy witches, and a dose of wicked trickster games.