Book 1

The Conspiracy Theory

by James Odell

Published 30 November 2020

You will not find the Royal Telepaths mentioned in any online document.

Oliver had been sent to the Magicians’ school by his father. But his powers were weak and he had hated it. Now he just wants to live the carefree life of a playboy. But the secretive Guild of Magicians has not finished with him. They want him to use his skills to hunt down and imprison renegades. Magicians cannot be allowed to use their powers to harm others. The existence of magic must be kept secret from the world.

Then the Guild finds another use for his skills. British Telepaths working in New York have been accused of plotting against the United States. The accusations get worse by the day. Could the protests turn violent? The Guild wants Oliver to help. But he must do so while keeping his role secret.

This is the first novel in an ongoing series.

It is an urban fantasy story set in London, New York and Washington.

The American far right have found another target. They are convinced that the British Embassy is hiding something. But what? A plot to rig the next election? Burn down the White House - again?

In a way, they are right. The British Embassy is using telepaths to send highly-sensitive reports back to London.

But the British have become obsessive about secrecy - which has attracted the attention of the Conspiracy theory community.

The president is convinced that a coven of witches has put a curse on him. He is right, but the truth is more complicated than he thinks.

Mary has been sent to the consulate in New York, where she will use her skills as a telepath to send confidential reports to London.

She has been told that there are no magic users in the United States. The truth is more complicated - the American magic users are keeping their own secrets.

Then, in the Great Storm, the President suffers a near-death experience. He tells the world that the witches were responsible. But are these 'cypher clerks' witches too?

Book 2

The Arabian Conspiracy

by James Odell

Published 28 February 2021

This is an Urban Fantasy novel, set in London, Washington, and the Middle East.

Oliver trained as a magic user. But he wasn’t quite good enough. Now he just wants to live his playboy lifestyle. But the Guild of Magicians keeps asking him to do chores for them. Like visiting thirteen year olds, who have harmed themselves by magic, and explaining that their lives have been destroyed. Or telling self-taught magicians to stop practising magic - before it kills them.

Mary is a Telepath, using her talent to send secret reports between London and Britain’s embassies. The messages cannot be intercepted by the enemy security services - the Guild is sure of that. She is a thrill-seeker, and escapes from her boring job by training in high-octane sports.

But then a magician is murdered - by magic. The Guild is shocked. Who did it? And why?

Then Oliver is nearly killed in a bizarre traffic incident. It is a coincidence - or is it? The list of suspects keeps growing.

When Constance was thirteen she discovered, by accident, that she was a Firestarter. The man from the Guild told her that the only way she could protect her family from harm was for her to receive training at the secretive Castle School.

Book 3

Two Prisoners

by James Odell

Published 25 April 2021

This is an urban fantasy story with a political twist. The Royal Telepaths work in secret. That name does not appear in any official document. They use their magical skills to send vital – and sensitive - information to London.

The Guild of Magicians will accept anyone afflicted by magic, whatever their race or religion. Constance, an Arab girl, is a Firestarter and the first Muslim girl to go to the Castle School.

Bertie, a father of two, comes from a wealthy Punjabi family. When his ability as a Firestarter embarrassed the family, he was sent to the Castle School to get him out of the way.

He lives a quiet life in London. But he has a renegade cousin, eager to embarrass the family. He is operating clandestinely in Pakistan and is determined to use his illegal website to harm the United States. When Bertie visits Pakistan to settle a domestic dispute, the American authorities get them mixed up ... and Bertie is renditioned.
But he is a Telepath and is able to tell his friends what has happened.

The Guild of Magicians has rules. Each magician must help the others. Even when he is in a secure prison.

Book 4

The Russian Conspiracy

by James Odell

Published 25 June 2021