Book 15

The Royal Tutor, Vol. 15

by Higasa Akai

Published 22 June 2021
After an old photo of Professor Heine reveals a darker past than theprinces could've ever imagined, Heine decides to explain the true story of whathappened on that fateful night... Shaken by this knowledge, will the princelingsbe able to accept Heine or have they lost trust in him for good?...Read more

Book 16

The Royal Tutor, Vol. 16

by Higasa Akai

Published 26 April 2022
When the first prince Eins shuts himself in his room for days, CountRosenberg finally resolves to accept the help and care of Heine and the otherfour princelings. But when they finally burst into Eins's room, the eldestbrother is nowhere to be found...!