Book 1

Tomozaki is one of the best gamers in Japan, and in his opinion, the game of real life is one of the worst. No clear-cut rules for success, horribly balanced, and nothing makes sense. But then he meets a gamer who's just as good as him, and she offers to teach him a few exploits...

Book 2

Fumiya Tomozaki's opinion on the game of "real life" has been changing ever since he met Aoi Hinami and began training with her-it may not be the greatest, but at least it doesn't suck. Meanwhile, student elections are coming up, and obviously, Hinami will be running for student council president. But when Mimimi decides to run, too, Tomozaki's going to find out if he's leveled up enough to handle the crossfire!

Book 3

The first semester is over, and summer vacation has begun-although that doesn't mean Tomozaki will get a break from his training with Hinami. His mission this time is a tough one: a coed overnight trip! And not only that, she wants him in a relationship by the end of the summer?!

Book 4

After finishing the busiest summer of his life, Tomozaki is ready to get back to school. His relationship with Hinami is changing, but he hasn't given up on trying to find the best strats to get through the game of life. His first challenge of the new semester: to help motivate none other than Erika Konno, one of the scariest girls in class!

Book 5

Tomozaki never expected he would be mentoring Tama-chan in the ways of the normie-especially not when she turns out to have an A-tier character to begin with. How can he help her? CAN he help her...?

Book 6

It's November, and preparations for the culture festival are beginning. Meetings with Hinami have begun again, and life has mostly returned to normal...until Hinami asks him who he likes. But Tomozaki has to wonder-does he really need to have an answer?

Book 8

The school festival is over, and so is winter break. Tomozaki has faced a major milestone, but now he has a new challenge to face: the career survey form. Of course, Hinami’s training is still ongoing, too, and between an offline meeting with other Atafami players, a visit to Tama-chan’s house, and a new relationship with Kikuchi, the new semester is looking to be as full as ever.

The day after the school festival ends, second-year Class Two holds a Christmas party
to celebrate a job well done. While the festivities are in full swing, Tomozaki happens to
notice Hinami and Kikuchi having a conversation. But when the two try to play it off as
nothing, Tomozaki gets awfully curious...
This short story collection provides a glimpse at the characters’ lives and choices
through the years: the birth of NONAME, Mimimi and Kikuchi’s chat in a café, a
karaoke party, Rena’s life before she met Tomozaki...and much more!