Book 1

Moonrise: A Werewolf Novel

by Joseph Hagen

Published 18 June 2017

There was a bad moon rising...

The full moon hung like a guillotine over the boy's head. His face tense with pain, he trembled, his forehead almost in the dirt. Unable to stand due to the deep spasms rippling along every muscle in his body, he squirmed... moaned... gasped. With a jerk he turned from the moonlight and barely denied the urge to throw back his head and howl.

Book 2

Wolf Hunt

by Joseph Hagen

Published 20 July 2020

ROSE BUD, a witch, was bitten and held captive by a werewolf. Rescued by her grandmother, Rose's life was saved but she had been bitten and is cursed.

ORSINO, the brother of Salvador who tormented Alan in book one, has learned of his brother's death. With his pack he has gone to Fort Hurst seeking answers and revenge.

ALAN and AUTUMN are sequestered at the witch's Keep. With his family dead, Alan has been adopted by the witches who are helping him continue to cope with his curse. Both Rose and Alan's curses have been tamed through magic, but Alan's is failing. All the witches of the Keep, and the Tribunal who are the leaders of the Keep, are determined to help him.

In WOLF HUNT you learn the origin of the werewolves and how the witches were involved. You’ll also learn details of how the brothers, Orsino and Salvador, became werewolves and why Orsino may be the most dangerous of them all. WOLF HUNT will take you north into Alaska and through parts of Europe as you follow the witches and wolves from the Salem witch trials to present day. The battles have been hard and long fought with the wolves leaving a bloody path. Magic has existed for millennia. Will it be enough to save Alan a second time?