I Want to Go Home!

by Tony Ross

Published 6 July 2006
The Little Princess has been moved to a new castle. There is lots more room! But she does not see why they can't go back to the old place. Surely it is still the same? This is a wonderfully funny and reassuring book that will ring true with anyone who has ever moved house with a toddler.

I Feel Sick!

by Tony Ross

Published 1 January 2015
The Little Princess is never sick except when anyone asks her to do something. She's too sick to walk the dog and she's far too sick to go to school. But when she's invited to a party, all that changes. Or does it?

Claiming to be too ill to do chores or go to school, the Little Princess makes a miraculous recovery when a party invitation arrives.

Rita's Rhino

by Tony Ross

Published 6 November 2014
When Rita’s mum refuses to get her a pet, Rita goes to the zoo and soon returns with a rhinoceros in tow . . . But keeping a pet rhino a secret in a small flat and taking care of him, prove to be much trickier than she ever imagined!

A hilarious take on the responsibilty of pet ownership.

I Want to Win!

by Tony Ross

Published 4 December 2011
The Little Princess loves to win - and at home everyone usually lets her. At school, even though she tries her hardest, it seems she can't do anything right, but she soon discovers that winning is much more fun when she really deserves it!