Your Pet Cat

by Elaine Landau

Published 1 March 1998
- "Words to Know" glossary clarifies subject-specific vocabulary- "Learning More" section encourages independent study- Index makes navigating subject matter easy

Your Pet Tropical Fish

by Elaine Landau

Published 1 March 1998


by Elaine Landau

Published 1 March 1999
An introduction to the various species of fish called piranhas, discussing their reputation as killers, their physical characteristics and habits, and their suitability as pets.

Temperate Forest Mammals

by Elaine Landau

Published 1 March 1997
Describes six different mammals which live in temperate forests, including squirrels, echidnas, and koalas.

Grassland Mammals

by Elaine Landau

Published 1 March 1997
- "Words to Know" glossary clarifies subject-specific vocabulary- "Learning More" section encourages independent study- Index makes navigating subject matter easy

Ocean Mammals

by Elaine Landau

Published 1 March 1997
- "Words to Know" glossary clarifies subject-specific vocabulary- "Learning More" section encourages independent study- Index makes navigating subject matter easy

Your Pet Gerbil

by Elaine Landau

Published 1 March 1998
- "Words to Know" glossary clarifies subject-specific vocabulary- "Learning More" section encourages independent study- Index makes navigating subject matter easy

Electric Fish

by Elaine Landau

Published 1 March 1999
An introduction to various species of electric fish, particularly the electric eel, explaining how they generate and discharge electricity.

Desert Mammals

by Elaine Landau

Published 1 March 1997


by Elaine Landau

Published 1 March 1999
Introduces the size, shape, colors, and stinging tentacles of jellyfish and examines their survival in the world's waters since before the age of the dinosaurs.

Sea Horses

by Elaine Landau

Published 1 March 1999
An introduction to sea horses, describing their physical characteristics and habits, as well as their suitability as pets.

Your Pet Dog

by Elaine Landau

Published 1 September 1997
A simple introduction to choosing and caring for a pet dog.

Your Pet Hamster

by Elaine Landau

Published 1 September 1997
Suggests what to consider when selecting a hamster for a pet and explains what it needs by way of housing, food, health care, and activities.

Your Pet Pony

by Elaine Landau

Published 31 January 2007

Mountain Mammals

by Elaine Landau

Published 1 March 1997

Minibeasts as Pets

by Elaine Landau

Published 1 September 1997
Simply describes how to keep ladybugs, millipedes, crickets, and ants as pets.


by Elaine Landau

Published 1 March 1999
Distinguishes saltwater from freshwater angelfish, describes the latter, and suggests how to care for this popular pet in a home aquarium.

Siamese Fighting Fish

by Elaine Landau

Published 1 March 1999
Introduces the physical characteristics, life cycle, and fierce behavior of the Siamese fighting fish, also identifying differences between those in the wild and those bred for sale in pet shops.

Your Pet Iguana

by Elaine Landau

Published 1 October 1997

Tropical Forest Mammals

by Elaine Landau

Published 21 January 2008