The Blue Grove

by W. G. Archer

Published 30 November 2006

The Hill of Flutes

by W. G. Archer

Published 18 December 2020

Originally published in 1974, The Hill of Flutes, is a descriptive account of the Santals and their poetry in their heartland of the Santal Parganas.

The book explores the Santal world view, including approaches to education, love, sex, and marriage. It describes and discusses Santal dances, festivals and ceremonies, and other key events and gatherings, such as annual hunts.

Through the close consideration of song and poetry, The Hills of Flutes offers an engaging insight into life in Santal society.

The Vertical Man

by W. G. Archer

Published 18 December 2020

Originally published in 1947, The Vertical Man explores a form of Indian sculpture largely ignored in other studies, with a focus on two kinds of sculpture from the province of Bihar.

The book provides detailed analysis of the formal characteristics of the sculpture and the influences of the myth, ritual, and context in which they were commissioned and made. It explains why the sculpture is regional and "why the styles are what they are". It is an original study which throws light on important subjects such as the relations of art and religion and of art and economics.

The Vertical Man will appeal to those with an interest in art, specifically sculpture and the art of the Indian countryside.