Book 1

Isle of Winds

by James Fahy

Published 23 December 2015

Enter the Netherworlde… Become the Changeling.

Robin Fellows lives with his grandmother and lives what appears to be a rather ordinary life for a normal twelve year old boy. But when Robin’s Gran dies, quite suddenly and a bit mysteriously, his world is turned upside down. A long lost relative comes out of the woodwork and whisks him away to a mysterious new home, Erlking Hall, a quiet estate in the solitary countryside of Lancashire.

Suddenly Robin must adjust to his new reality. But reality is no longer what he thought it was…

There is more than meets the eye to this old, rambling mansion. Little does he know that there is more than meets the eye to himself. Robin is the world’s last Changeling. He is descended from a mystic race of Fae-people, whose homeland, the Netherworlde, is caught in the throes of a terrible civil war.

Not only this, but in this new world there is a magical force that has infiltrated the human realm. Before he can wrench power from the malevolent hands of the Netherworlde’s fearsome tyrant leader, Lady Eris, he must first search for the truth about himself and the ethereal Towers of Arcania.

The first instalment of ‘The Changeling Series’, Isle of Winds is an engrossing tale written in the traditions of high fantasy story-telling while carving out a magical new realm. It is perfect for fans of The Lord of the Rings and the Harry Potter series.

Book 2

The Drowned Tomb

by James Fahy

Published 28 May 2021

War is coming...

The summer heat is sweltering, and the young changeling, Robin Fellows, awaits further training. He has gained much skill in the Shard of Air, but what is coming next?

After his previous tutor was revealed to be an agent of the mortal enemy of all Fae, Lady Eris, Robin is assigned a new mentor to continue his magical learning.Enter Calypso, a water nymph and member of the race of Panthea that also inhabit the mysterious, enchanted Netherworlde. Her job: to instruct Robin in the Shard of Water, a powerful magic with which the user can cast huge bolts of ice and command entire oceans to bear down his or her will.

But all is not well at Erlking Hall, and war is fast approaching the Netherworlde.

More agents of Lady Eris are in pursuit of young Robin, the Scion of the Arcania and last Changeling in the world. They’re out for the Shard of Water as well. And they’ll stop at nothing to find it, no matter who gets in their way…What follows is a spellbinding journey, as Robin and company navigate once more the enchanting and at times terrifying Netherworlde.

The Drowned Tomb is the mesmerizing second instalment of James Fahy’s bestselling Changeling series. Perfect for fans of High Fantasy storytelling and fae mythology, this sequel to Isle of Winds is a must have.

Book 3

Chains of Gaia

by James Fahy

Published 7 June 2021

"Something has happened in the forest, boy,” he said. “Something terrible. A Shard has been found, a Shard of the Arcania, and a monster has awoken."

If you go down to the woods today…

Something dark and dangerous stirs deep in the Netherworlde. A violent, primal power, awoken from its slumber by the Shards of the Arcania. A scourge lies on the great Everhart forest, a rampaging beast laying waste to the woods, and to the towns and villages that border it, bringing destruction. It leaves none alive, and Robin Fellows, heir of Erlking and the world’s last Changeling, may be the only one who can stop it.

Pressed into service, Robin and his friends must navigate the deep and twisting secrets of the legendary woods, fighting to save the Netherworlde’s inhabitants from the ever-growing menace, while racing against dark enemies also searching for the source of the monster’s power – the Shard of Earth. Troubled by a rising darkness from within, and a tendency for his magic to go haywire, before Robin can wander from the path and begin to unravel the truth beneath the trees, he must first find a way to come to terms with who – and what – he is.

Unexpected and unwelcome guests at Erlking, and uncertain guides in the wilderness, unsure what secrets are being hidden, even by his closest friends, Robin must decide who he can trust – in a world where it seems no one, friend or foe, is exactly as they appear.

Chains of Gaia is the thrilling third instalment of James Fahy’s bestselling Changeling series. Perfect for fans of High Fantasy storytelling and Fae mythology, this sequel to Isle of Winds and The Drowned Tomb delves even deeper into the magical Netherworlde, and into the mystery of Robin’s own past.

Book 4

Robin Fellows, Scion of the Arcania, has a destiny to fulfil – along with an unruly faun to keep in check and many strange friends.

When Robin’s great aunt Irene takes him and fellow Fae Jackalope on a trip to London, it triggers a series of events that will place at least one of them in deadly peril. For an unforeseen discovery in an art curator’s office connects them to many mysterious and magical deeds – both good and evil – and forces the maturing young Robin to face his own history.

As he moves between the worlds, Robin must face the challenges of the Grimms, tackle a spider-wielding maniac, navigate the waterfall city of the Panthea and explore the many deadly secrets of the Netherworlde’s darkest forests.

Meanwhile, he has growing up to do and friendships to nurture, including those with the brooding Jackalope, enigmatic Karya and irrepressible (and unforgettable) Woad.

The Glassfire Serpent, Part I: Embers is an intriguing, immersive and fantastic tale – As Book Four in James Fahy’s popular Changeling series, it will please those readers eagerly awaiting the next instalment of the saga, along with anyone else who loves wonderful fantasy tales, be they 10 or 110 years old.

Book 5

The Glassfire Serpent, Part 2: Ashes picks up where Embers left Robin and his friends, stranded and alone in the wilds of the Netherwolde.

With the forces of Eris tracking their steps, Robin and his friends must locate the Mysterious Lady Tinda and discover the truth behind the Glassfire Serpent.

But the clock is ticking. The Pyrenight celebrations are looming, and they must work fast if they are to save their captured friends before it's too late.

With Karya fading fast, and the Grimm's hot on their heels, Robin must seek aid from any quarter, and fate brings him to the resting place of the weapons of the very elementals themselves.

Hearts must be reunited, dark pasts must be faced, and unlikely alliances forged, and the Scion of the Arcania, if he hopes to survive, will need to choose between friends, before the sun goes black.

Ashes is the second part of The Glassfire Serpent and Book Five in the Changeling series. Its publication is eagerly awaited by the series' many fans, and will please all who enjoy high quality fantasy tales in the style of Rowling, Gaiman and Pratchett.