"An essential read for any organization using change management. Whether you are new to ClearCase or an experienced user, this book addresses key points that will drive you to a successful ClearCase deployment and usage model."
--Adam Levensohn, manager, ClearCase Technical Support, IBM Rational Software

"Buckley and Pulsipher offer the voice of hard-won experience leavened with significant amounts of humor, which is not exactly what one expects from a book about configuration management (or any computer science book, for that matter). The way I see it, a book that offers advice about 'how to reduce build cycle times for large, multi-site products' in terms of 'eating an elephant, one bite at a time' is definitely worth reading. Thanks to these guys, I'm the proud owner of a brand-new VOB, and after I read the detailed advice herein about how to configure it, it works like a charm!"
--Kendall Scott, author, UML Explained

By using IBM Rational ClearCase, development teams can dramatically improve their productivity and responsiveness throughout the entire software lifecycle. Now, there's an easy-to-use ClearCase deployment guide for every team member: project managers, analysts, developers, and software customers.

Accessible, practical, and full of examples, The Art of ClearCase® Deployment demystifies all facets of deployment--from up-front planning through multisite integration. Authors Christian Buckley and Darren Pulsipher draw on nearly two decades of experience helping leading enterprises implement Rational technologies. They focus on the core issues associated with deployment, closely tying business and technical drivers to specific features and step-by-step implementation techniques.

This book will show you how to:

Take on the role of change agent: prepare yourself for the challenge
Understand the value of ClearCase in your organization and gain consensus for implementing it
Map your software manufacturing process and plan your deployment
Model change-management: actors, use cases, and problem domains
Enforce and automate high-efficiency development policies and processes
Walk through build and release management: frequency, automation, communication, and more
Integrate ClearCase with existing tools and systems
Support efficient, error-free development across geographically dispersed teams
Plan for ClearCase hardware and size your VOB repository
Iterate your system to improve efficiency and reduce build- and test-cycle times
Avoid pitfalls and troubleshoot problems with ClearCase deployments

Regardless of your previous software engineering experience, this book will help you shape and execute your ClearCase rollout to drive maximum business value--tomorrow, and for years to come.