Learning Cocos2D

by Rod Strougo and Ray Wenderlich

Published 22 June 2011
Build the Next Great iOS Game with Cocos2D!

Cocos2D is the powerhouse framework behind some of the most popular games in the App Store. If you've played Tiny Wings, Angry Birds, Mega Jump, Trainyard, or even Super Turbo Action Pig, then you've played a game that uses Cocos2D or Box2D physics. The beauty of Cocos2D is its simplicity. It's easy to become overwhelmed when you start developing an iOS game, especially if you look at things like OpenGL ES, OpenAL, and other lower level APIs. Writing a game for the iPhone and iPad does not have to be that difficult, and Cocos2D makes game development fun and easy.

Learning Cocos2D walks you through the process of building Space Viking (which is free on the App Store), a 2D scrolling game that leverages Cocos2D, Box2D, and Chipmunk. As you build Space Viking, you'll learn everything you need to know about Cocos2D so you can create the next killer iOS game.

Download the free version of Space Viking from the App Store today! Help Ole find his way home while learning how to build the game.

As you build Space Viking, you'll learn how to

Install and configure Cocos2D so it works with Xcode 4
Build a complete 2D action adventure game with Cocos2D
Add animations and movement to your games
Build your game's main menu screen for accessing levels
Use Cocos2D's Scheduler to make sure the right events happen at the right times
Use tile maps to build scrolling game levels from reusable images
Add audio and sound effects with CocosDenshion-Cocos2D's sound engine
Add gravity, realistic collisions, and even ragdoll effects with Box2D and Chipmunk physics engines
Add amazing effects to your games with particle systems
Leverage Game Center in your game for achievements and leader boards
Squeeze the most performance from your games along with tips and tricks

Covers iOS 7 and Xcode 5

Learning iOS Developmentis the perfect first book for every new iOS 7 developer. It delivers  a complete foundation for iOS development, including an introduction to the Objective-C language, Xcode development tools, best-practice user interface development, and best practices for all  aspects of app development and deployment.

Throughout Learning iOS Development, you explore the iOS development process as you create  and expand a handy car valet app. The hands-on projects enable you to create meaningful code  as soon as possible, building confidence and mastery. The annotated code listings work with all  the latest iOS technology, so you’ll be ready to jump into this exciting development field.

With Learning iOS Development, it’s easy to learn at your own pace, on your own--or to deepen  the knowledge you may be gaining in a classroom or workplace.

Coverage includes
  • Installing all the tools, programs, and devices  you need to create iOS apps
  • Building your first app and mastering the  essentials of Objective-C
  • Making the most effective use of device memory
  • Storyboarding your interface and connecting it to your underlying code
  • Using Auto Layout to support devices with different sizes and orientations
  • Managing app data with Core Data
  • Creating sophisticated custom gestures
  • Deploying your app through Apple’s App Store
  • Quickly localizing your app for multiple languages  and countries
  • Implementing scrolling, navigation, table views,  and other core iOS features
  • Mastering advanced table views and navigation,  including iPad split views
  • Passing code encapsulated in blocks for communicating between parts of your app and with the system
  • Tuning and debugging your apps for the best  performance and quality
  • Discovering great resources to take your next steps  as an iOS developer