Book 1

Witch's Curse

by Jenna Wolfhart

Published 31 May 2017

Wanted: Magically Armed and Dangerous.

Ever since my parents died in the demon war, I’ve paid my way through life by using magic to con people. It’s not right, but a girl’s gotta do what she can to survive.

Unfortunately, my latest con has left me smack dab in the middle of a murder scene. Now, a coven of angry mages thinks I’m the killer. In order to clear my name, I have to team up with an infuriatingly sexy warlock whose powers are far darker than he admits. Throw in a string of related murders and a vexed vampire clan, and I’m up to my eyeballs in danger.

But that's not even the worst of it. When I get too close to the real killer, he casts a life-threatening curse on my grandmother. Before, I just wanted to save my own butt, but now I’ll do whatever it takes to track him down—even if it means following him through monstrous dimensions.

Because I don’t play nice with magic. And when you mess with Grandma, you become #1 on my sh*t list.

Book 2

Witch's Storm

by Jenna Wolfhart

Published 9 July 2017

Darkness threatens to destroy the world. And it's lurking within myself.

As a new Enforcer for the Bone Coven, I protect humans from supernatural assaults with the help of my sexy half-warlock, half-vampire partner. But when my latest investigation reveals a string of gruesome mage deaths, it seems there's a serial killer targeting us instead of them.

To make matters worse, demons immune to my coven's spells are now prowling the city streets hunting for prey. Their strength is growing, and they have their sights set on destroying the veil that protects our realm from theirs.

There's only one way to stop the killer and banish the demons once and for all. I must finally give into the dark magic that simmers deep within me, threatening to destroy my soul.

But will the world survive if I do?

Book 3

Witch's Blade

by Jenna Wolfhart

Published 27 October 2017

The demon war is coming.

On Enforcer probation after going against the Magister's orders, I'm in serious need of some action, preferably of the sexy vampire-warlock variety. But when a group of rebel mages forces me to break into the Blood Coven's castle and steal a powerful rune, things don't go quite as planned.

Now, the Blood Coven wants to hunt me down, my best friend has been captured by rebels, and the reports of demon attacks are growing every day. There's only one hope in all of this. The Witch's Blade, a weapon that can destroy the demons once and for all and save humanity from eternal damnation.

The only problem? To get it, I may have to betray my coven and everyone I love.

Book 4

Witch's Fury

by Jenna Wolfhart

Published 28 November 2017

The demons are stronger than ever. And their master is coming for me.

A shadow mage has stolen the Witch’s Blade, the only weapon that can save this world from being ravaged by demons. Worse, the murderous warlock behind it all keeps sending assassins to kill me. Not to mention the truce with the vampires is broken, our inter-coven war has resulted in countless fatalities, and there are no longer enough mages alive to fight against our true enemies.

There’s only one way to save the world. I must track down the Witch’s Blade and use it to close the veil between the demon realm and ours. Once and for all. Because if I don’t, humanity will be forever doomed.