Book 1


by Jenna Wolfhart

Published 25 September 2018

My name is Erela, which means angel. Literally. As a member of the Michael family, I've always been destined to join the Order of the Seraphim, the highest and most prestigious angelic warrior class, on my eighteenth birthday.

But then I make a hell of a mistake the night before my initiation ceremony by pissing off a tricksy Archdemon. As revenge, he plonks me right into the middle of the Order of the Fallen, the worst possible place for an honorable celestial warrior like me. Mostly because I find myself surrounded by four dangerously wicked—and, let's face it, hot—fallen angels who want to tempt me to stray from my path.

Now, I must find a way out of this hellhole so I can get back home and fulfill my fate as a warrior against evil. Unfortunately, the four devious males have no intention of making it easy on me. In more ways than one. And, if I give in to my growing desires, I will never be able to join the Order of the Seraphim. Or even go home at all.

Instead, I will fall.

Book 2


by Jenna Wolfhart

Published 14 January 2019

Whoops. Turns out I wasn’t so good at the whole “resist the seductive fallen angels” thing. Now, I’m stuck on earth and I’ve become a full-fledged member of the Order of the Fallen.

Our first task? Find the amulet that was used to open a portal to hell. And then close said portal pronto. If we don’t succeed, an entire host of demons will be unleashed upon humanity. Looks like my fellow angel warriors (or friends…or, dare I hope, lovers?) and I have our work cut out for us.