Vancouver Island offers some of the most spectacular coastline in the Pacific Northwest. This definitive guide covers every major coastal hike on the west coast of Vancouver Island, from the remote beaches of the Juan de Fuca Marine Trail to the surf-swept shore of Cape Scott. Included are the popular West Coast Trail, which features 50 miles of the most breathtaking and demanding hiking on the continent, easy-to-navigate trails through the stunning old-growth forest of the Carmanah-Walbran Provincial Park, the rugged, remote Nootka Trail, Wild Pacific Trail, with its white sand beaches, and many others. Complete details on planning the trip, getting to and from the trailheads, and choosing the most scenic campsites make this an indispensable guide for every Northwest hiker. For this revised edition, author Tim Leadem retraced trails altered by recent windstorms to present hikers with the most up-to-date information available.