Book 1

The Freedom Race

by Lucinda Roy

Published 1 August 2021
The second Civil War, the Sequel, came and went in the United States leaving radiation, sickness, and fractures too deep to mend. One faction, the Homestead Territories, dealt with the devastation by recruiting immigrants from Africa and beginning a new slave trade while the other two factions stood by...Read more

Book 2

Flying the COOP

by Lucinda Roy

Published 15 August 2022
Dreams are promises your imagination makes to itself.
In the disunited states, no person of color—especially not a girl whose body reimagines flight—is safe. A quest for Freedom has brought former Muleseed Jellybean “Ji-ji” Silapu to D.C., aka Dream City, the site of monuments and memorials—where, long ago, the...Read more