Book 1

Julian Is a Mermaid

by Jessica Love

Published 23 April 2018
Winner of a 2019 Stonewall Book Award

In an exuberant picture book, a glimpse of costumed mermaids leaves one boy flooded with wonder and ready to dazzle the world.

While riding the subway home from the pool with his abuela one day, Julián notices three women spectacularly...Read more

Book 2

Julián at the Wedding

by Jessica Love

Published 1 October 2020
The star of Julián Is a Mermaid makes a joyful return—and finds a new friend—at a wedding to be remembered.

Julián and his abuela are going to a wedding. Better yet, Julián is in the wedding. Weddings have flowers and kissing and dancing and cake. And this...Read more

Julián Stories

by Jessica Love

Published 7 December 2021