Book 1

The Sword and the Sunrise

by Val Saintcrowe

Published 8 August 2020

She’s not a virgin sacrifice.

Every fall a girl is given to Sir Eithan Draig, who leads the Knights of Midian. He and his men keep the nightmares back. The knights prowl the dark forest, more monsters than men, swathed in darkness, their eyes like pale lanterns.

The girl is called a bride, but whatever Eithan does with her, she doesn’t survive to see the next dawn.

So, truly, she’s a sacrifice.

This year, the bride is Nicce, but she’s no helpless victim.

She has been prepared for this moment, consecrated to the sun, trained to fight with magic and with weapons. The guild of assassins who taught her don’t believe in the nightmares. The real menace is Eithan himself, they say, and Nicce must kill him.

Two seconds inside the dark forest, it becomes viciously and horrifyingly clear the guild are wrong about the nightmares. They are real.

And so now, Nicce waits for Eithan to claim her.

If she kills him, who holds back the nightmares? That terror cannot be let free.

Everything she was sure of is in shambles. She only knows one thing. No matter what, tomorrow, she will see the sunrise.

Read this book if you like complicated characters who do the wrong things for the right reasons, high stakes, near impossible odds, and smoldering fuses of slow burn hate-to-love arcs.

Book 2

The Dead and the Dusk

by Val Saintcrowe

Published 8 September 2020

This dark, slow burn romantic epic fantasy continues with a journey to the Court of Nightmares, perfect for readers who were on the edge of their seats in Sarah J. Maas’s court Under the Mountain…

Nicce Ward is determined to kill the goddess of nightmares, Ciaska. It might seem impossible, but Nicce is up for the task, and she needs Sir Eithan Draig to get into the Nightmare Court.

Eithan Draig isn’t keen on the idea of putting Nicce in danger. He just wants her magic sunlight blood and then he’ll be on his way and let her go on hers. Well, anyway, that’s what he should want. What he actually wants is to seize any excuse to be near her, even if it means risking her life.

So he brings Nicce to the Nightmare court, where he must protect her from the whims of the capricious goddess of nightmares, who happens to be jealous of his obsession with Nicce.

He can make it work. He’s been playing Ciaska for over a hundred years. He’s a master of subterfuge and manipulation, but his plan hinges on Nicce displaying nothing but disgust for Eithan.

She is disgusted by him, isn’t she? All he’s ever done is hurt her. She couldn’t possibly want him too.

If Nicce did want him, he might lose control.

And that could cost them everything.

Book 3

The Pang and the Power

by Val Saintcrowe

Published 3 October 2020

The goddess of nightmares is dead, but Nicce and Eithan now face the threat of Sullo, the sun god and Nicce’s father. Arrogant and vain, Sullo thinks of his children as possessions, extensions of himself. And no daughter of his should be dallying with an abomination like Eithan.

Sullo wants Eithan dead and Nicce to do exactly as he says.

Ciaska’s body isn’t even cold and they’re already back exactly where they started. They are scraping and bowing and placating an insane, powerful, immortal being.

Nicce isn’t about to stand for that. They’ve killed one god, they can kill another.

Sun and bones, why stop there?

Why not kill all of the gods? Every. Single. One.