River of Light

by John Morgan

Published 15 February 2014
Surrender to a wild river and unexpected things can happen. Time on the water can produce moments of pristine clarity or hatch wild thoughts, foster a deep connection with the real world or summon the spiritual. River of Light is centered in one man's meditations while traveling on a river. John Morgan spent a week traveling the Copper River in South central Alaska, and the resulting encounters form the heart of this book-length poem. The river's shifting landscape enriches the poem's meditative mood, while currents shape the poem and the pacing of its lines. The mystic poet Kabir is Morgan's internal guide and serves as a divine foil throughout the trip. Artwork by distinguished Alaska artist Kesler Woodward is a sublime companion to the text. A combination of adventurer's tale and spiritual quest, River of Light takes the reader on a soulful journey that is both deeply personal and profoundly universal.