Book 2

Tales from the Archie era of TMNT come back to life as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles Adventures continues! This collection includes issues #5–8 and introduces even more mutants!

Book 3

The all-ages TMNT action continues in this collection of TMNT Adventures! Enjoy classic Turtles tales like "Codename: Chameleon," "Going Down?," "White Light," and "The Lost World" from the Archie Comics series issues #9–12.

Book 5

The all-ages TMNT action continues in this collection of TMNT Adventures! Enjoy classic Turtles tales like "Fight The Power," "Mondo Metal," "The Man Who Sold The World," and "Sun And Steel."
Collects issues #17–20.

Book 6

The all-ages TMNT action continues in this collection of TMNT Adventures! Enjoy classic Turtles tales like "Space Junk Face Funk Cyber Punk Thief," "Rat Trap," "Search and Destroy," and "Gimme Danger!"

Book 9

The all-ages action continues in this collection of TMNT Adventures! Collects issues #38-40 of the Archie Comics series and Mighty Mutanimals #6.

Book 10

The all-ages action continues in this collection of TMNT Adventures!
Collects issues #41–44 of the Archie Comics series, including "The Future Shark Trilogy" and Mighty Mutanimals #7.

Book 11

The all-ages action continues in this collection of TMNT Adventures! Collects issues #45–50 of the Archie Comics series.

Book 15

Reprinting stories from the classic Archie Comics run, TMNT Adventures reflects the style made popular by the original '90s cartoon!

The all-ages action continues in "Dreamland!" In the future, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have become the Cyber Samurai Mutant Ninja Turtles. The brothers have new powers and...Read more