Book 1

You've programmed your VCR, you've reinstalled Microsoft Windows, you can even check your e-mail on your Palm Pilot. But none of this experience will prepare you for the world's biggest technological marvel: A newborn baby. As every parent knows, infant technology isn't quite user-friendly, and first-timers have plenty of frequently-asked questions: How does one get the baby to sleep through the night? What is the most recommended way to swaddle a baby? When is it necessary to bring a baby to a physician for servicing? The Baby Owner's Manual has the answers. With step-by-step instructions, helpful schematic diagrams, trouble-shooting tips, and advice on lifelong maintenance, this manual skips the "warm and fuzzy" illustrations and cuts right to the chase. We'd love to see this book become the gold standard for Dads everywhere - it's something he can read while Mum is looking at What to Expect When You're Expecting.

Book 4

At Last! A Beginner’s Guide to Toddler Technology
Just when you’ve mastered your infant’s maintenance routine, he begins to malfunction, refusing fuel, crying inexplicably, and resisting your attempts to clothe him. Your infant has upgraded to a toddler! But how can you master your toddler’s changing technology?
Through step-by-step instructions and helpful schematic diagrams, The Toddler Owner’s Manual explores hundreds of frequently asked questions: How should I react when my toddler throws a tantrum? How do I train my toddler for self–waste disposal? Whatever your concerns, you’ll find the answers here—courtesy of pediatric psychologist Dr. Brett R. Kuhn and co-author Joe Borgenicht. Together, they provide plenty of useful advice for anyone who wants to learn the basics of toddler care.

You learned the basics of infant technology with "The Baby Owner's Manual". You tracked your baby's development with "The Baby Owner's Maintenance Log". Now it's time to enhance your baby's performance with "The Baby Owner's Games and Activities Book". This illustrated guide features games and activities designed to make your baby smarter, stronger, faster, cleaner, more imaginative, more efficient, and more useful than ever before! "The Baby Owner's Games and Activities Book" features 75 ways to expand your baby's capabilities, plus the same kind of whimsical diagrams and weird schematic illustrations that we featured in the other books.