Book 1

Welcome to Ponyville, home of Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and all your other favorite Ponies!

Something’s not right in the town though, as some of the inhabitants are acting very, very strange! It’s up to the this group of friends to find...Read more

Book 3

Friendship Is Magic Volume 3

by Katie Cook

Published 14 January 2014
The citizens of Ponyville take center stage as an ordinary morning for Big McIntosh quickly turns into an unexpected adventure at the Summer Wrap-Up Festival and Hoedown in "Zen and the Art of Gazebo Repair." Plus, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance tell the story about how they met in...Read more

Book 5

Friendship is Magic Volume 5

by Katie Cook

Published 16 September 2014
Everybody's favorite ponies—Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity—embark on their greatest adventure yet as they travel to a new world in desperate need of aid in "Reflections."

Collects issues #17–20.

Book 6

Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy visit Manehattan to see Trixie's magic show. Meanwhile, in Ponyville, the ponies' pets, Angel, Owlicious, Gummy, Tank, Winona, and Opal must save the day. Plus, Discord takes Fluttershy and the Cutie Mark Crusaders on a trip through time!

Collects My Little Pony: Friendship is...Read more

Book 7

A new plot of land has been bequeathed to the Apple family and they, along with the rest of our favorite ponies, go to investigate the land’s worth. Unfortunately, the land has been taken over by cattle rustlers, who think there’s treasure hidden somewhere on it, in "The Good,...Read more

Book 10

The action never stops in Ponyville! The Cutiemark Crusaders hit the great outdoors with their class! Find out about the untold first meeting of Twilight and baby Spike! Rainbow Dash’s grumpy mood starts to affect her friends. And, Pinkie Pie decides to make her very own comic book!
...Read more

Book 12

The craziest, most epic MLP story yet! Multiple versions of ponies are springing up around town and strange new beasts stalk the land as an orb of energy grows larger in the sky. Twilight and the Princesses have no answers… but Discord might in “Accord.” Then, Twilight is startled to...Read more

Book 17

Friendship is Magic Volume 17

by Katie Cook and Ted Anderson

Published 17 September 2019
Discover a heretofore untold part of Equestria's storied history introducing an all-new villain!

When a chance purchase leads to a legendary quest for a missing constellation, the ponies reach for the stars and find themselves in the path of their most galactic villain yet... the chaotic Cosmos! They'll...Read more

Book 19

Great stories, great adventures, and valuable lessons, brought to you by Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and all your pony friends!

It's exam time at the School of Friendship, and Ocellus has come up with an idea for a stellar project that's sure to...Read more