El rescate / The Rescue

by Kathryn Lasky

Published 30 April 2012
Desde que Soren fue secuestrado y llevado a la academia San Aegolius para Lechuzas Huérfanas, ha anhelado volver a ver a su hermana, Eglantine. Ahora ella ha regresado, pero ha sufrido una experiencia demasiado terrible para describirla con palabras y Ezylryb, el mentor de Soren, ha desaparecido. Algo más fuerte que el conocimiento le dice a Soren que existe una conexión entre esos misteriosos sucesos. Para rescatar a Ezylryb, aquél debe emprender una arriesgada búsqueda. Su misión lo llevará a enfrentarse a una fuerza más peligrosa que cualquier cosa que los gobernantes de San Aegolius hubieran podido concebir... y una realidad que amenaza con destruir el reino de las lechuzas.


Now that Soren has been reunited with his sister, Eglantine, he must face his next challenge: making sense of the mysterious disappearance of his mentor, Ezylryb. When Soren discovers that Ezylryb is in danger, he and his friends Gylfie, Twilight, and Digger devise a plan to save the beloved teacher.

In this process, Soren must fight a ferocious foe who wears a terrifying metal beak, sharpened for battle. It's not until the confrontation is over that Soren discovers the true identity of his opponent. The metal beaked warrior is Soren's evil brother, Kludd.

El asalto / The Siege

by Kathryn Lasky

Published 30 April 2012
La tensión se desencadena en el reino de los búhos cuando las tropas del Mal inician una ofensiva contra los defensores del Bien. Enfurecido por su enfrentamiento con Soren y arrastrado por la sed de poder que le consume, Kludd y su grupo, los Puros, se lanzan al ataque sobre el Arbol de Ga’Hoole. Los nobles búhos que allí habitan deben combatir con ferocidad para proteger su hogar y defender su honor.


A war breaks out in the owl kingdom when an evil group tries to take control of the Great Ga'Hoole Tree. Soren and the other Ga'Hoolian owls must fight to protect their tree and restore peace.

Soren's beloved mentor, Ezylryb, is finally back at the Great Ga'Hoole Tree. But all is not well. There's a war between good and evil in the owl kingdom. On one side is a group led by Soren's fearsome brother, Kludd, who wears a terrifying metal mask to cover his battle-scarred face. On the other side are the owls of the Great Ga'Hoole Tree, who must fight to protect their legendary tree from Kludd's attacks.

Soren, his friends, and the other owls at the Great Ga'Hoole Tree enter into fierce combat against Kludd's forces. They win a major battle, but warfare will continue in Book #5.