Book 1

The Last of the Renshai is the first volume of a sword-and-sorcery saga that is enormous in conception, and full of complex and arresting fantasy detail. The adventure arises from the trials of a lone warrior, a champion driven to avenge the genocide of his race. The magic lies with the immortal realms: this is a world controlled by four wizards whose strife not only presages the conflicts and wars of humans, it also threatens consequences and destruction on a world- wide scale. And the last Renshai is doomed to take on all - he will be the key for humans, wizards and gods alike. Throw in a fabulously detailed, rich fantasy world, and you have a tremendous, value-for-money, page turning epic.

Book 2

The Western Wizard

by Mickey Zucker Reichert

Published 4 August 1992
Book two in the acclaimed, bestselling epic fantasy Renshai Trilogy—an intricate world of Norse mythology, slashing swordplay, and devastating sorcery.
When Odin breathed life into the mortal realms, he also created the Cardinal Wizards: the Northern Wizard as the representative of Good, the Southern as master of Evil, and the Western and Eastern as the keepers of the balance between Good and Evil, each neutral, both sharing the burden of holding their fellow magic wielders in check.
But now the days decreed in ancient prophecy have come upon the mortal realms. The Great War has been fought and a Renshai has proven its Champion.
Yet even as the war’s heroes struggle to place the rightful king of Bearn upon his throne, and the also true Renshai seeks to train a new generation of his warrior race, the word is carried forth on falcon’s wings that the Western Wizard is no more.
And unless Shadimar, the Wizard of the East, can find the one mortal with any hope of surviving the challenge of the Seven Tasks of Wizardry, the worlds of gods and mortals alike will fall....

Book 3

Child of Thunder

by Mickey Zucker Reichert

Published 1 April 1993
Colbey, last of the Renshai, must undertake the Seven Tasks of Wizardry. But he is about to discover an unseen, deadly eighth task. Even if he survives that, gods, wizards and mortals alike are willing to unite against him - and their actions could catalyse destruction on a huge scale.

Beyond Ragnarok

by Mickey Zucker Reichert

Published 1 August 1995
Book one of the acclaimed, bestselling epic fantasy Renshai Chronicles—discover the intricate Renshai universe, infused with Norse mythology, tangled intrigue, and cataclysmic magical battles.
They’ve survived the end of the universe.
But now, nearly three hundred years after the time of Ragnarok—the death battle of the gods—humankind faces a new and potentially fatal trial. The balance between Law and Chaos has long been maintained by the rulers of Bearn, but with the current king dying, a new keeper of neutrality must be found among his heirs.
When the search becomes desperate, a small band forms in secret to seek out the last possible heir. The team—consisting of the king’s granddaughter, a knight in training, an apprentice bard, a young and untested Renshai warrior, and a fickle thief—struggle to survive the perils of the wild as well as enemies equipped with magical powers.
And if any of them actually reach their goal, can they bring the one remaining heir back to Bearn alive?

Prince of Demons

by Mickey Zucker Reichert

Published 1 November 1996
Due to Colbey Calistinsson's interference in Ragnarok - he has now been elevated to Valhalla - the elves were brought to the point of extinction and are determined to have their revenge on humanity. They have cast a spell of infertility on all human females meaning that before long Griff won't have a people to rule ...and that chaos will reign the world over.

Tae and his closest friends are charged with breaking the Dark Elves' curse of sterility on the humans of Midguard, with finding the lost shards of the sapphire, the mythical Pica, that might hold the key to the elvish magic. In order to do this he must ensure that Rascal - like him brought up on the streets, still suspicious of all in authority, unpredictable and amoral - plays her part in finding the Pica and does not jeopardise the future of their world. In Valhalla, Colbey Calistinsson, the immortal Renshai, watches and waits. While the humans of Midguard fight their battles, he must ensure that the gods themselves, and Odin in particular, do not shatter the Balance of the Worlds.