The King's Man

by Pauline Gedge

Published 1 March 2011
Twelve-year-old Amunhotep III has ascended the throne, becoming king of the richest empire on earth. The boy's mother acts as regent, but she has brought to court the renowned seer, Huy, son of a humble farmer, to be scribe and counsel to her royal son. It's a position of power and responsibility—one fraught with intrigue and the lure of corruption. For it is Huy who controls the treasury, the military, all construction, and taxation—and perhaps most important, it's his task to choose the young Pharaoh's queen. His actions and premonitions, as well as his legendary past, make him very few friends and a great many enemies...

The King's Man continues the story of Huy—first seen in The Twice Born and Seer of Egypt—and his rise to power and fame. With her meticulous research and compelling prose, Pauline Gedge immerses readers in the ancient and fascinating culture that was Egypt.


Seer of Egypt

by Pauline Gedge

Published 4 November 2008
Huy has risen from lowly origins to become the Seer of the King. Yet Amunhotep’s patronage is both a blessing and a curse to Huy, who feels imprisoned by the gift Thoth has imposed on him and by the life he must live to keep it. Though rewarded with wealth and influence, Huy longs for the pleasures of those he sees around him, especially love, which seems forever lost to him. But when the King calls for his help, Huy has no choice. The life he knew is coming to an end, but his contribution to Egyptian history is just beginning.