Who Needs a Desert?

by Karen Patkau

Published 9 September 2014
Karen Patkau takes readers on an amazing voyage of discovery to find out

   • How deserts are formed 
   • Where deserts are found 
   • How plants and animals adapt to the severe environment 
   • What wildlife thrives there 
   • Which plants bloom under the blazing sun 
   • How desert plants and animals get energy and food 
   • What happens in the rainy seasons 
   • Why desert land becomes barren 
   • Why we need deserts

Who Needs a Prairie?

by Karen Patkau

Published 9 September 2014
Karen Patkau takes readers on an amazing voyage of discovery to find out

   • How wild and rugged prairies become grasslands 
   • Why prairie inhabitants depend on each other and their surroundings 
   • What wildlife and plants thrive in large open spaces 
   • How seasons and weather conditions affect life on the prairies 
   • How fire restores the land 
   • What life is like on the Great Plains 
   • How a food chain forms 
   • How some prairie plants protect the land 
   • Why we need prairies

Who Needs a Reef?

by Karen Patkau

Published 9 September 2014
Karen Patkau takes readers on an amazing voyage of discovery to find out

   • How coral reefs form 
   • Why coral reefs bustle and teem with life 
   • Why there are more kinds of living things on coral reefs than anywhere else in the sea 
   • What the types of hard corals are 
   • Which plants and animals attach themselves to coral reefs 
   • How coral reefs protect shorelines 
   • How coral reefs help develop natural harbors and beaches 
   • Where the coral reef areas of the world are 
   • Why we need coral reefs

Who Needs A Jungle?

by Karen Patkau

Published 28 February 2012
Tundra introduces the first three books in its important new ecosystems series. Each title celebrates the world’s diversity by presenting a different ecosystem: its land and water, its animals and plants. The art is brimming with creatures and ecological features, described in fact-filled notes at the end of each book and in a useful glossary and map.
Jungles are treasures for all of us, regardless of where we live. In Who Needs a Jungle? we learn about its vital role in providing us with oxygen, food, medicinal ingredients, and raw materials we use every day.
Not only is each book informative and beautiful, but it is a call to action for everybody who cares about the world in which we live.

Who Needs A Swamp?

by Karen Patkau

Published 28 February 2012
Tundra introduces the first three books in its important new ecosystems series. Each title celebrates the world’s diversity by presenting a different ecosystem: its land and water, its animals and plants. The art is brimming with creatures and ecological features, described in fact-filled notes at the end of each book and in a useful glossary and map.
Swamps are often seen as a dangerous and useless. They are often drained to create farmland or to reduce diseases. But such measures can be disastrous. Who Needs a Swamp? explores wetlands and their importance in the food chain and in preserving our soil and clean water.
Not only is each book informative and beautiful, but it is a call to action for everybody who cares about the world in which we live.

Who Needs an Iceberg?

by Karen Patkau

Published 28 February 2012
Tundra introduces the first three books in its important new ecosystems series. Each title celebrates the world’s diversity by presenting a different ecosystem: its land and water, its animals and plants. The art is brimming with creatures and ecological features, described in fact-filled notes at the end of each book and in a useful glossary and map.
Who Needs an Iceberg? The Arctic ecosystem is changing rapidly. The Arctic Ice Cap is melting, the habitat for the creatures that live in the north is shrinking, and the earth is warming up. The impact is enormous for all of us.

Not only is each book informative and beautiful, but it is a call to action for everybody who cares about the world in which we live.