Kiss Him, Not Me
10 primary works • 14 total works
Book 2
Book 4
After everything that happened in the last volume, Igarashi has now fallen in love with the true me. He’s decided to continue his pursuit, but this time, he means business!
Igarashi’s new resolve also spurs a change in Nanashima, and he doubles his efforts to win me over. It’s great that they’re both so fired up, but what’s firing me up is the thought of them possibly getting hot and heavy with each other…
Includes extras such as a White Day-themed bonus comic and sketches of never-before-revealed character designs!
Now an anime from the studio that made PRINCESS JELLYFISH and MY LITTLE MONSTER!
Book 7
But it's not all fun and fantasies when Igarashi buckles down to win me over. Are these feelings I get around him something more than friendship? Mutsumi-senpai has also stayed close after his confession, and a strange turn of events on our vacation gives him the chance for more alone time with me.
Back at home, the other boys' progress has Nanashima feeling left out in the cold. Without some otaku common ground, he doesn't know how to get closer, but his little sister's anime obsession might be the answer he needs! He's really working hard now, and after all that effort, he makes a shocking move to declare his feelings...
Now an anime from the studio that made PRINCESS JELLYFISH and MY LITTLE MONSTER!
Book 8
There's a more important man to worry about, dad! He's been away for a long time, and my new look—and new friends—take him by surprise. He doesn't know what to think now that his little girl is so popular, so he sets out to do some research of his own.
It's also a rocky time with Shinomiya-kun when he finds out his parents are moving back to...Norway?! He's our precious friend, but even his feelings for me could grow cold when I'm creeped out by his cold-blooded pet, Thor. I've got to make this right! Will the guys and I be able to convince him to stay?
Book 9
Book 10
Book 11
He has an extreme plan to keep me from Shima and the guys forever, and it's going to take everyone's efforts together to stop him. I've grown so much with the help of my friends, but Mitsuboshi just wants to keep the old me. Can we stop him before it's too late, and will someone have to put themselves in danger?
Special bonus story!
If you thought what happened with Mitsuboshi was wild, wait until you see what happens when we fall prey to a body-switching mystery! With the boys' bodies, I can finally take all the BL-inspired photos I want! Oh, and I guess we should solve the mystery too…
Now an anime series from the studio that made Princess Jellyfish and My Little Monster!
"There is a great sense of comedic timing on display here...the comedy is spot on." - UK Anime Network
Book 12
Book 13
Ages 13 and up.
Heya! Kae again! I can hardly believe that Mutsumi-senpai and I are a couple! And on top of that, Mirage Saga has a sequel? Pinch me, I must be dreaming!
But maybe I'm not in paradise, after all... I got carried away with the Mirage Saga event and ended up ditching my date with Mutsumi-senpai to spend time with his friend, Yashiro!
And when Mutsumi-senpai finds out about everything, he forces me to face an unthinkable question: who do I love more, Shion or Mutsumi-senpai? Ohhh... what will I do? Do I go with Boys Love or the boy I love?
Book 14
I'm seeing his passion even more now that his older brother, Mutsumi-sensei, has become a student-teacher at our school... and wants to whisk e away from all four boys!
It's brother vs. brother as the Mutsumi men both try to win my affections, but I'm enjoying this action! A fiery battle between two gorgeous brothers and a teacher-student setup?! I never thought I'd get to see so much taboo in the flesh! I wonder if the boys can outwit such a michievous older man...
Now an anime from the studio that made PRINCESS JELLYFISH and MY LITTLE MONSTER!