Really Bad Girls of the Bible

by Liz Curtis Higgs

Published 19 September 2000
Discover the Truth About
God’s Sovereignty
from the Bible’s Really Bad Girls.
Eight of the Bible’s most notorious females strut across the pages of Really Bad Girls of the Bible with troubles that still hit home in the twenty-first century.

The Medium of En Dor crossed over to the dark side. Jael stood up to a ruthless enemy. The Adulteress was caught between a rock and a hard place. Athaliah made a bid for power that ended badly. Bathsheba captured the wandering eye of a king. Herodias made a cruel request of her husband. Tamar exchanged her widow’s weeds for a harlot’s garb. And the Bleeding Woman had a serious health issue only a great physician could handle.

“Higgs does such a remarkable job telling their stories that many of the Good Book's ‘bad girls’ become downright sympathetic.… Higgs is a refreshingly astute biblical commentator…(and) ably points readers to ‘good girl’ tips they can apply from the Bible’s cautionary tales.”
—Publishers Weekly

Really Bad Girls of the Bible
shines a spotlight on God’s sovereignty, demonstrating one life-changing truth: God rules the lives of those He loves with mercy, compassion, and hope.
Includes Discussion Questions and a Study Guide
A Novel Approach to Bible Study

Bad Girls of the Bible

by Liz Curtis Higgs

Published 17 August 1999

Ten of the Bible’s best-known femmes fatales parade across the pages of this popular and unforgettable study with situations that sound oh-so-familiar.

Women everywhere marvel at those “good girls” in Scripture–Sarah, Mary, Esther–but on most days, that’s not who they see when they look in the mirror. Most women (if they’re honest) see the selfishness of Sapphira or the deception of Delilah. They catch of glimpse of Jezebel’s take-charge pride or Eve’s disastrous disobedience. Like Bathsheba, Herodias, and the rest, today’s modern woman is surrounded by temptations, exhausted by the demands of daily living, and burdened by her own desires.          

So what’s a good girl to do? Learn from their lives, says beloved Bible study teacher and speaker Liz Curtis Higgs, and choose a better path. Whether they were “Bad to the Bone,” “Bad for a Season, but Not Forever” or only “Bad for a Moment,” these infamous sisters show women how not to handle the challenges of life.
With her trademark humor and encouragement, Higgs combines a contemporary retelling of the stories of these “other women” in Scripture with a solid, verse-by-verse study to teach us how to avoid their tragic mistakes and joyfully embrace grace.
Let these Bad Girls show you why studying the Bible has never been more fun!

Includes Discussion Questions and Study Guide