Knights of Sidonia, Vol. 5

by Tsutomu Nihei

Published 15 October 2013
After a forbidden room is unsealed, heroic pilot Saito is no longer the only legendary Sidonian with a deceptive avatar on board.

Meanwhile, an incoming asteroid forces the spaceship’s mobile units to skirmish in a positive-gravity environment. Calling the shots is Assistant Commander Yuhata Midorikawa, still new in her role, unsure but unshrinking.

Knights of Sidonia Volume 14

by Tsutomu Nihei

Published 29 September 2015
Anti-humanist scientist Ochiai’s advent in the form of a hybrid plunges the Sidonia into one of its worst crises since his neutralization decades ago. Meanwhile, a no-less formidable figure seems ready to enter the Tanikaze Romance Stakes.

The time has come! The Sidonia are about ready to set foot on the planet they wish to inhabit. But before they can embark on this mission they must make certain that the planet is not teeming with Guana.

Knights of Sidonia, Vol. 6

by Tsutomu Nihei

Published 10 December 2013
While innovations including the GC-Piercing Discarding Sabot improve the seed ship Sidonia and her mobile units' odds against the Gauna, for humanity to secure a definitive edge against foes as rapidly adaptive as the space giants, the sciences alone may not suffice.

Knights of Sidonia Vol. 2

by Tsutomu Nihei

Published 16 April 2013

In volume two, the Sidonia has engaged a new type of Guana. This armored-type is strangely aggressive, and most of the young pilots who have confronted the monster are not prepared for this change in stragedy.

Rookie pilot Nagate Tanikaze has even fewer completed flight-hours, but that does not prevent him from devising his own plan of attack when his squadron is in danger. Feeling the stirrings of a bond that is precarious at best given that humanity itself is in peril, he ignores orders to save a colleague left behind.

And then upon returning to the Sidonia, the history of the Guana is revealed to Tanikaze, not long before battle and a rival's jealousy leaves him alone in space again.

Knights of Sidonia, Volume 12

by Tsutomu Nihei

Published 2 December 2014
When a state-of-the-art warship is dispatched towards Lem, the system's sun, her crew is menaced not only by humanity's nemesis, but by an unwitting Peeping Tom.

While Captain Kobayashi asserts sole command over the seed ship—and dons ancient armor—ace pilot Tanikaze looks for choice real estate a lot of old ducts are a must, for him and his friends.

Knights of Sidonia, Vol. 1

by Tsutomu Nihei

Published 5 February 2013

Outer space, the far future.

A lone seed ship, the Sidonia, plies the void, ten centuries since the obliteration of the solar system. The massive, nearly indestructible, yet barely sentient alien life forms
that destroyed humanity’s home world continue to pose an existential threat.

Nagate Tanikaze has only known life in the vessel’s bowels deep below the sparkling strata where humans have achieved photosynthesis and new genders. Not long after he emerges from the Underground, however, the youth is bequeathed a treasured legacy by the spaceship’s coolheaded female captain.

Heretofore unwilling to communicate in all but the most zero-sum fashion, humanity's implacable nemesis attempts to interface in what can only be considered a gruesomely familiar shape and form.

Meanwhile, some of the deepest secrets of the Sidonia also come to the fore as revealed by the resident talking bear, err...the dormitory den-mother.

Knights Of Sidonia, Vol. 4

by Tsutomu Nihei

Published 6 August 2013
A faction on the Sidonia that believes humanity's aggressive posture toward the Gauna is responsible for the extraterrestial behemoth's hostility desires to chart a seperate course. Hero Tanikaze and his middle-gendered friend Shinatose are both promoted while the scion of the Kunato family delves into dubious experiements in this installment of Vertical's premiere hard sci-fi manga series.

If humanity’s latest bold experiment, Tsumugi Shiraui, can be said to have a mother, it would be the Hawk Moth, which provided the placenta.

Their fateful encounter on Planet Nine will spell the end of one of them.

Outer space, the far future.

A lone seed ship, the Sidonia, has arrived in the Lem star system, ten centuries since the obliteration of Earth. The massive, nearly indestructible, yet barely sentient alien life forms that continued to pose an existential threat are now aided and abetted by humanity's best scientific mind.

In this tenth installment of the science fiction series Knights of Sidonia, the Sidonia and its crew believe that their danger-fraught quest has come to an end when they reach a planet with water and a breathable atmosphere. Author Tsutomu Nihei spins an imaginative tale of what may be humanity's last stand, centuries into the future, aboard a city-sized spacecraft. Their race across the treacherous expanse of space may have finally paid off--or has it? For the Knights of Sidonia, their interplanetary adventures are far from over.

Knights of Sidonia, Volume 7

by Tsutomu Nihei

Published 11 February 2014
Get to know a new character who may be this futuristic series’ most traditionally virtuous female. Drawing on deep wells of filial piety and perseverance, unfailingly modest, she is Tsumugi.

15 Meters

While the Sidonia girds up to take the battle to the Greater Cluster Ship, a lethal threat that has been brewing within finally erupts.