Book 1

In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world's strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even reincarnation!

His strength limited by the magical crest with which he was born, Mathias, the world's most powerful sage, decides reincarnation is necessary to become the strongest of all. Upon his rebirth as a young boy, Mathias is thrilled to discover he's been born with the optimal crest for magical combat on his first try! Unfortunately, the world he's been born into has abysmally poor standards when it comes to magic, and everyone thinks he's still marked for failure! Now it's up to Mathias to prove everyone's strongest sage-style!

Book 2

In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world's strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even reincarnation!

Once the world's most powerful sage, reborn Matthias has gained the optimal crest for magical combat many thousands of years in the future. But with magical knowledge at an all-time low in this new era, no one recognizes Matthias's crest for what it is, and it will be an uphill battle for the twelve-year-old sage to prove his greatness to everyone! Fortunately, he's well on his way, having enrolled at the Second Royal Academy as a scholarship student and begun his new school life with the lovely Lurie and Alma in tow!

Book 3

In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world's strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even reincarnation!

Life at the Second Royal Academy starts off with a bang for erstwhile sage Matthias. When a demon infiltrates the school, it's Matthias who takes him out using his shiny new magical crest. But while Matthias might have won this battle, he's also just started a war! Thanks to Matthias's victory, the demon realm begins preparations for invading the human world! Will Matthias and his true power be ready and waiting for them?

Book 4

In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world's strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even reincarnation!

The magician once known as a great sage has--in search of greater power--reincarnated himself far into the future. His new self has acquired the strongest crest for magical combat, but in an era where magic principles are all backwards, that crest is looked down on as the "crest of failure"... It turns out that evil demons were the ones who sowed disinformation and confusion about crests and magic, and now, those very demons seek to invade the capital and destroy all humans who know this secret. The sage, Matthias, uses all manner of strategies to fight back against these powerful demons!

Book 5

In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world's strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even reincarnation!

Once the world's most powerful sage, reborn Matthias has gained the optimal crest for magical combat many thousands of years in the future. But with magical knowledge at an all-time low in this new era, no one recognizes his crest for what it is, and it will be an uphill battle for the twelve-year-old sage to prove his greatness to everyone!

It turns out that evil demons were the ones who sowed disinformation and confusion about crests and magic, and now, those very demons seek to invade the capital and destroy all humans who know this secret. Matthias still doesn't have the powerful spells and physical abilities that he did prior to his reincarnation, but it's time to use his wits and creativity to take down the mighty demons!

Book 6

In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world's strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even reincarnation!

Once the world's most powerful sage, reborn Matthias has gained the optimal crest for magical combat many thousands of years in the future. But with magical knowledge at an all-time low in this new era, no one recognizes Matthias's crest for what it is, and it will be an uphill battle for the twelve-year-old sage to prove his greatness to everyone!

With the demons seeking to eliminate all who are aware of their plot to cripple mankind through magic disinformation, Matthias stands on the frontline of the battle...but he's not alone! He's got the legendary dragon Iris by his side, not to mention the students of the Second Academy who've been training to unleash their full potential. Together, they'll fight back against the all-powerful demons!

Book 7

In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world's strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even reincarnation!

Once the world's most powerful sage, reborn Matthias has gained the optimal crest for magical combat many thousands of years in the future. But with magical knowledge at an all-time low in this new era, no one recognizes Matthias's crest for what it is, and it will be an uphill battle for the twelve-year-old sage to prove his greatness to everyone!

The demons assault the Second Academy, which has gotten wise to their plot to cripple mankind through magic disinformation, with a veritable legion of summoned monsters to destroy everyone with knowledge of their scheme. But while the freshly trained up students of the Second Academy are faring well enough, things take a turn for the worse when the overwhelming Void Eater appears. How can Matthias possibly stand against a monster that towers over even the towers of the capital?!

Book 8

In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world's strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even reincarnation!

Former Strongest Sage Matthias's fight to protect mankind continues, with the demons launching all manner of attacks to destroy everyone with knowledge of their plot to weaken humanity through misinformation about magic!
Now the demons are out to manipulate the Dracopulse Lines—channels of hidden magical power flowing deep underground—for their wicked schemes, and Matthias is on to them!
He makes for Maze City, which sits atop a massive dungeon and one of the all-important Dracopulse Lines. No doubt, this will prove toi be yet another tale to add to Matty's new legend!

Book 9

In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world's strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even reincarnation!

Former Strongest Sage Matthias's fight to protect mankind continues, with the demons launching all manner of attacks to destroy everyone with knowledge of their plot to weaken humanity through misinformation about magic!

To rout the demons who are hatching a plot involving the Dracopulse Line that runs beneath Maze City, Matthias must contend with the corrupt lord of the city and a trap-happy demon who lies in wait underground!

Book 10

In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world's strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even reincarnation!

Is former Strongest Sage Matthias's fight to protect mankind finally over...or is it just beginning?!
Having destroyed the demons that menaced the Kingdom of Eis, Matthias sets his sights on a powerful demon lurking abroad!
But in order to enter territory containing ancient magic devices, Matthias and his party will have to raise their ranks via the Adventurers' Guild. Of course, Matty has his own special ways of getting the job done!!   

Book 11

In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world's strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even reincarnation!


After entering the Rajinia Alliance, Matthias and his companions begin their grind to become A-rank adventurers. After a quick massacre of local monsters, Matty’s group quickly rises to C-rank, but to advance further requires passing difficult tests. The first test pits Matty’s group against a horde of tough monsters and a big boss that makes the test proctor quake with fear, but that only excites Matthias. For Matty, when things become more difficult than expected or intended, that’s when the fun starts!

Book 12

In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world's strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even being a "dim wit"!

After a little bit of trouble, Matthias and his party became A-rank adventurers, granting them access to their desired destination. However, along the way, they encounter a city controlled by a group of “demions”—a demon subspecies that specializes in teamwork! The demions are using a factory to create a powerful bomb, so Matthias makes the obvious decision to slay every demion in sight!

Book 13

In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world's strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even reincarnation!


After a lot of trouble, Matthias was finally able to use his ancient magic device to track down the demon mastermind behind all the schemes disrupting humankind. Normally, this would be the point when Matty goes and slays the demon, but this particular demon is not so easily slain. Zaridias is in a league of his own in terms of power and he’s ready to take a big swing at Matthias!

Book 14

In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world’s strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even reincarnation!


Matthias manages to barely defeat Zaridias, ensuring the safety of the Eis Kingdom, but a new threat arises elsewhere. Something strange is going on with the water in the Syhill Empire and demons seem to be the likely cause. In order to infiltrate the imperial waterworks, Matthias and his party must intentionally poison themselves with a life-draining toxin! Once inside the waterworks, Matthias finds a person from his past life who is somehow alive and inexplicably working with demons!

Book 15

In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world's strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even reincarnation!


Matthias makes a shocking discovery while investigating the imperial waterworks. Grevil, a wise king from ancient times—and an old friend of Matty’s—is somehow alive and working with demons! Grevil gives Matthias and his party three months to prepare for a battle to decide the fate of humanity. After extensive training in a dungeon, Matthias and his party decide to confront Grevil, who greets them with a grand public spectacle?!

Book 16

In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world's strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even being a test subject!

Matthias and his party embark on a quest to hunt down a group of battle-crazed killers from Matty’s past life that have been resurrected by a Devastar. The resurrected killers are eager for a good fight and Matthias gives them exactly what they want. In return, Matty gains critical knowledge about mysterious figures who used the Devastar to intentionally resurrect the killers and Grevil. In order to find these mystery men, Matthias volunteers to be a test subject for their magic experiments!

Book 17

In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world’s strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...!


After infiltrating the secret lab of the Unmoor brothers, Matthias and the gang wreak havoc on the mad scientists and ruin their careful plans to utilize the power of the Devastar! The older Unmoor brother reveals critical information about the Devastar, leading Matthias to confront a horde of powerful monsters protecting the Devastar. Matty’s only chance of victory is to do the unthinkable and resurrect his past self!

Book 18

In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world’s strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even using himself as bait!

A chaos demon with greater power than Zaridias will soon be revived. Such a powerful demon is beyond what Matthias and his friends can handle, but an ancient sword may be able to give them a chance. However, the ancient weapon is sealed in a casket that is guarded by an incredibly powerful elite demon and in order to obtain the weapon, Matty must use himself as bait to distract the demon!

Book 19

In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, one boy will stop at nothing to be the world’s strongest...not even relying on luck!

Matthias and his friends head to Boseil to confront the reincarnated chaos demon Zadogilgias. Even in his previous life as the powerful Gaius, Matthias was barely able to defeat Zadogilgias. Without his fully developed magic, Matty has little to no hope of defeating one of his greatest foes. However, unlike in his past life, Matthias now has reliable companions, and with a little luck, he may stand a chance against the chaos demon!

Book 20

In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, one boy will stop at nothing to be the world’s strongest...not even accepting a domain!

Despite having previously refused a noble title and land, Matthias eventually relents when the king of Eis gives him an attractive offer. As the new lord of Boseil, Matty is inundated with political marriage proposals! To escape troublesome political affairs, Matty and his friends head out to explore the dungeon near Boseil, but it seems the real trouble is in the dungeon!