MIAMI’S CLASS HAS a brand-new teacher, no-nonsense Miss Amerita Spraggins. She’s a real tough lady. She insists on assigned seats. She hands out detentions like coupons. She even refuses to call kids by their nicknames. Miami can’t take a whole year with crazy Miss Spraggins. He has to get out of her class!

MIAMI JACKSON CAN’T wait for school to end. But who ever thought five days could be so long? His teacher is leaving for Ghana, his arch-enemy, Destinee Tate, is on his case, and now Miami’s keeping secrets from his best friend, String. Summer can’t come soon enough!

AT LAST IT’S summer. Miami is more than ready for two weeks of baseball camp. No homework. No annoying sister. Best of all, no Destinee Tate. But Miami can’t escape Destinee. Turns out his best friend, String, invited her to Camp Atwater, too. And she’s making trouble, as usual, trying to get girls on the boys’ all-star team!