Book 7

Rescuing the Plated Lizard

by Rex Stone

Published 1 February 2009
When Jamie and Tom emerge in their secret dinosaur world, they realize that something's changed. The landscape is familiar but also very different from the last time they were here. And when they spot a herd of Stegosauruses, they realize that they've switched from the Cretaceous to the Jurassic! It's the same world but a completely different set of dinosaurs - awesome! A stegosaurus egg is washed away in a rain storm and it's up to the boys, and their dino-friend Wanna, to rescue it and return it to its mother.

Book 8

Swimming with the Sea Monster

by Rex Stone

Published 4 September 2008
Jamie and Tom are off for a spot of snorkelling in Dinosaur Cove, and they've even brought a body board for Wanna! As the boys dive under the water Wanna drifts out to sea - how are they ever going to save him? Especially when a huge plesiosaur is lurking beneath the waves with his terrible snapping jaws! Perhaps a passing school of dolphin-like ichthyosaurs may just be able to help ...

Book 9

Tracking the Gigantic Beast

by Rex Stone

Published 5 June 2009
Jamie and Tom are back in Jurassic dinosaur world doing a spot of prehistoric bird watching. Suddenly a large face appears among the treetops - it's a huge diplodocus! The boys enjoy watching the enormous beast chewing on the branches, but when a big twig gets lodged in its mouth, the diplodocus starts going crazy. Jamie and Tom must find their way across the treetops, swinging on vines, in order to catch up with the dinosaur and try to help him.