The Globalization of Tourism & Hospitality is an innovative textbook that provides a fresh insight into the strategic rationale behind the globalization of the tourism & hospitality industry. The book draws on the unique backgrounds of the author from different regions of the world to give a truly international perspective on the issues covered.

The concept of the Tourism Area Life Cycle or TALC (the idea that there is a fixed pattern in the fortunes of tourist destinations: they're born, they grow, they mature, they stagnate and then they die) first surfaced in 1980, in an obscure Canadian geography journal. Since then, it has become the most written about topic in academic tourism, but only in journals. This will be the first, comprehensive, book-length treatment of the subject, written in such a way that students on tourism courses wil no longer have to spend hours searching for the relevant articles. This book will tell them everything they need to know, and will set out strategic reasons why the TALC need not be as fatalistic as it sounds.