
by Emily Moore

Published 21 January 1999
We all need to eat to survive, but do you know where the food on your plate come from? Or, why there are so many hungry people in the world? This book presents a discussion of issues such as hunger, famine, factory farming and diseases such as BSE and E-coli. It introduces the history of food production, going on to cover world food trading and how this affects the developing world. Finally it looks to the future, organic farming and genetic engineering.

The Monarchy

by Emily Moore

Published 17 August 2000
The monarchy - symbol of national pride, or expensive dinosaur

The book takes a look at the role of kings and queens throughout history and focuses on the modern monarchy. It examines just what powers and influence the queen has in today's society and puts forward the arguments for and against the monarchy. Should the monarchy be reformed Or should it be abolished What are the alternatives

With a mixture of interesting information, discussion and humour, The Monarchy presents a whole range of stimulating perspectives on this controversial topic, encouraging readers to make up their own minds.

Witty illustrations by Adam Stower.

Expert consultant: Professor Ben Pimlott, Goldsmiths College, London.