Do you want to get on the fast track to passing your Implementing and Supporting Windows 95 MCSE exam? If you need to learn as much as you can as easily as you can, Sams Teach Yourself MCSE Windows 95 in 14 Days gets you up to speed on the MCSE #70-63 exams in only two weeks! The Sams Teach Yourself in 14 Days series is designed from the ground up to make it easy to learn and study exam material. Each chapter begins with a list of the exam objectives the chapter will cover, followed by a listing of Fast Facts that acts as a ready reference for any last-minute studying. Each chapter ends with review questions and an exercise section. This Microsoft-approved, comprehensive training guide features the test questions, tables, figures, and review questions to completely prepare you for Exams #70-63. Save time and money, and get on the fast track to certification by utilizing the expert advice found in Sams Teach Yourself MCSE Windows 95 in 14 Days.