Neil Young FAQ

by Glen Boyd

Published 1 April 2012
Neil Young has had one of the most remarkable careers in the history of music. He hasn't just outlived many of his contemporaries a some of whom were great inspirations for him ( From Hank to Hendrix as one of his own songs says); his artistry lives on through those he has inspired (Pearl Jam Radiohead) and he remains relevant and vital well into his fifth decade of making music.THYoung also continues to crank out records at a rate that would kill most artists half his age. Between his solo and live albums and his work with Buffalo Springfield and Crosby Stills Nash and Young his remarkable career has spanned well over 50 albums.THAlthough he has experimented in genres from syntho-pop to rockabilly Neil Young is best known for the fully cranked feedback-laden noise he makes with Crazy Horse (ERust Never SleepsE and ERagged GloryE) and the more introspective folk-pop (EHarvestE). The glue that binds his work together is the songwriting. Because when it comes to writing great timeless songs Neil Young has few equals.THENeil Young FAQE is the first definitive guide to the music of this mercurial and methodical enduring and infuriating icon. From the EArchivesE to EZumaE and from the EDitch TrilogyE to the Geffen years this book covers every song and album in painstaking detail-including bootlegs and such lost recordings as EHomegrownE EChrome DreamsE EToastE and EMeadow DuskE.THObscure facts and anecdotes from the studio to the road along with dozens of rare images make this book a must-have for Young fans.