This book is an introductory, tutorial-style text designed to give the reader a strong foundational knowledge of securing a Linux system. This book teaches the reader how to securely install and run Linux as it comes shipped from most Linux distributors. Most other titles in this market focus on the use of tools and software not normally included with Linux. Our approach teaches fundamentals the reader can take to other operating systems. This text is designed to provide a basic guide to resolving security involved in the use of Linux in workstation, small server, or small network environments.

  • Covered topics include the following:
  • Securing network services such as Samba and NFS
  • Installation security details
  • Firewalling with ipchains and iptables
  • Intrusion detection, auditing, and monitoring
  • BIOS and motherboard security issues
  • Kerberos authentication
  • Data encryption
  • Eliminating ID and device risks
  • Preserving data
  • Steps to take if hacked