James IV

by Ruth Blackie and etc.

Published November 1978
The "MERLIN" series is designed to provide introductions to key periods of Scottish history. It is suitable for the older child or the adult who wants a basic understanding of a period. A narrative is based around a main character used to illuminate the life and times in which he or she lived. James IV was one of Scotland's greatest kings. His reign saw the full flowering of the Renaissance in Scotland - in architecture, in literature and in art. For a brief period, Scotland ranked amoung the great powers of Europe. This volume details both the James' reign and the vibrancy of Scottish life and culture of the time. It acknowledges the importance of the Highlands in Scottish life (James was the last Gaelic-speaking monarch of Scotland). The final section deals with the growing tensions with England, leading up to the terrible battle of Flodden, which brought so brutal an end to Scotland's "golden age".


by Ruth Blackie

Published 1 January 2001
Montrose - The Captain General - remains one of the most dashing and romantic figures in Scottish history. From early support of the Covenant to open revolt for Charles I, the story of his life has captured the imagination through the centuries. This extraordinary story tells how Montrose led his tiny army, conquering Scotland through military genius and sheer force of personality. By 1645, as a result of a succession of brilliant and dramatic victories, he had become the last hope of Charles I during the Civil War. The book also illuminates the background and shifting allegiances which made this one of the most tumultuous and complex times in Scottish history.