Business Strategy

by David Harris

Published 18 February 2008
"How" will help you to pass. The end of module exam review questions help you to prepare for the exam and avoid common exam pitfalls. Multiple-choice questions test your understanding and give you instant feedback - explaining which is the correct answer and why. Jargon buster clarifies technical concepts. Interactive case studies allow you to simulate real-life business problems and work out solutions. Reading assignments illustrate key theories and practice. Animations and simulation exercises to help you learn how to apply what you've learnt. "" puts you in charge of your learning, not only in terms of flexible study times and places for your convenience, but in its interactive learning environment and quality of course material. "" courses are developed by CIMA and CIMA publishing, written, reviewed and endorsed by CIMA to guarantee quality and content that will help you to pass your exams. Interactive case studies, real-time multiple question feedback and loads of tips and guidance to help you get through the exam, are just some of the supporting tools that "" provides to help you qualify.
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