Glencoe aviation technology
1 total work
Written for both avionics specialists and advanced airframe technicians, this new addition to the Glencoe Aviation Technology Series fills an informational void with its systems-level approach to troubleshooting. The text tells how to identify, test for, and isolate faults in navigation communication and digital aircraft avionics systems. It takes the same practical approach to contemporary glass cockpit systems such as EICAS (Engine Indicating and Crew Alert Systems), EFIS (Electronic Flight Instrument Systems), CMCS (Central Maintenance Computer Systems), CFDS (Centralized Faults Display Systems) and others. Each section begins with a complete description of the use and purpose of the systems under study, then divides each system into major "functional" blocks. The purpose of each block is described and symptoms associated with the block's failure are detailed, along with suggested testing procedures and repair practices.