
by Achille Bonito Oliva and Danilo Eccher

Published 3 June 2010
Featuring the works of six major forces in the world of contemporary art, this book presents 20 works from each artist that are dedicated to the manipulation of reality and deceptive perception. Mariko Mori, Yasumasa Morimura, Luigi Ontani, Tony Oursler, Pierre et Gilles and Andres Serrano each present a king of "solo show" with works or structures based on the theme of transformation. They want to set themselves under the banner of ironic subversion, a disfiguring and unsure reality that escapes the traditional representative rules. Their wildly differing perspectives are all linked with a sense of warped truth, and the reslut forces the viewer to witness an irreverent transgression of the contemporary in front of the dark doubts and anguishes of the third millennium.