Book 1

Betting Blind

by Stephanie Guerra

Published 4 November 2014
Some risks are worth taking.…
The cards are stacking up against Gabriel James: first there’s Phil, the guy paying the bills for Gabe’s mom (but not leaving his wife). Then there’s Gabe’s new school, filled with kids competing for the Ivies, Silicon Valley, and Wall Street—while Gabe’s just trying to swing enough Cs to graduate.Gabe’s luck seems ready to change when he meets Irina Petrova: a hot violinist who is home-schooled by her strict Russian parents. When Gabe gets her number, he impresses the top guys at his school. When he becomes the drug connection for parties, his reputation is solidified. How else is he going to afford hanging with his new crew and impressing Irina? Anyway, it’s not really dealing if you’re just hooking up friends…right? Gabe’s never been loyal to a girl before, but he finds himself falling for Irina hard. As the stakes are raised, Gabe will have to decide how high he’s willing to bet on school, on friends, on Irina—but most of all, on himself. Mature content, ages 14 and up.

Book 2

Out of Aces

by Stephanie Guerra

Published 26 May 2015
Gabe is officially living in Vegas. It’s his dream scenario—except for the fact that his girlfriend, Irina, is back in Seattle and surrounded by college guys. And his apartment is a little sketchy. Still, Gabe manages to pull off the bluff of a century: he finishes bartending school and gets a job at a club, even though, technically, he’s not of legal age to serve. Being a man means paying the bills, and Gabe wants to show everyone that he can make it on his own and stay faithful to Irina.

But Vegas is a fast, edgy city. At every turn, there are girls tempting Gabe to cheat, cops busting the club, and people trying to scam him. One wrong move could topple his house of cards. First rule in gambling: you have to know when to walk. Should he cut his losses now and head back to Washington to his former failed life? Or, with the help of some unlikely friends, can Gabe finally prove what he’s made of?