Trick of the Trade

by Ralph W. Cotton

Published 30 April 2002
Jeston Nash finds himself in the middle of one of the most dangerous fights yet when his agreement to tame an unrideable horse for a well-bred lady places him right in the middle of a marital squabble.

When he hit Fort Lincoln, Jeston Nash had a belly full of wounds and was down one boot after his horse was stolen and he fought hard to get it back. While it hadn’t been the most pleasant trip through the dreaded Black Hills, at least he hadn’t drowned.

Though the look alike cousin of Jesse James, for the time being calling himself Beatty, swore he was going respectable, he now finds himself in New Orleans amidst a team of drunks and blue uniforms, with a promise to the wife of General George Armstrong Custer that he would deliver an unrideable horse known as Honest Bob.

But the truth was the General’s wife, Elizabeth, wasn’t very interested in the horse she’d persuaded Nash to deliver… Mrs. Custer was on the warpath with the Sioux and General Custer’s commanders in Washington.

Suddenly, Nash finds himself in the middle of the most dangerous kind of fight: a marital squabble. Before he knows it, he’s riding alongside a hardheaded, buffalo-hunting, blond-haired general whose sure glory awaits them in a place known as Little Big Horn.