With stickers, puzzles, pictures to colour and lots more to do, you're sure to have a fun time with this colouring and activity book based on "Over the Hedge", the latest CGI movie from DreamWorks. "Over the Hedge" is the latest CGI movie from the makers of "Shrek." When RJ the raccoon is caught pilfering a bear's pile of treasured food, he desperately negotiates with his life, promising the impossible: to replace all he stole within a week. Knowing he can never achieve this on his own, RJ sets out to recruit a gullible group of animals to be his stooges. But will the animals remain so gullible when they realise RJ intends to send them into the unknown hinterland that is human suburbia? And how will RJ cope with the threat of rebellion as time rapidly runs out? Prepare for some madcap adventures and hair-raising moments in this funny movie. Bruce Willis heads up a voice talent that includes Avril Lavigne, Nick Nolte, Garry Shandling and William Shatner.