Mathematical Development

by Therese Finlay and Jacquie Finlay

Published 14 September 2001
AROUND THE YEAR will provide practical activities to support the Early Learning Goals. The books will provide a collection of ideas to use throughout the year based on both seasonal opportunities and dates linked to festivals. Supporting photocopiables will include activity sheets and new poems, stories and songs. The books will be suitable for practitioners working with 3-5 year olds. MATHEMATICAL DEVELOPMENT will provide practical activities, to support the Early Learning Goals, with a collection of ideas to use throughout the year based on both seasonal opportunities and dates linked to specific festivals. Ideas include matching animals to their young (Spring), racing boats and ordering them for the Dragon Boat Race (Summer), sorting candles for a Divali celebration (Autumn) and using pattern to design a prayer mat for Eid-ul-Fitr (Winter). Supporting photocopiables will include activity sheetts games, stories and songs. The book will be suitable for practitioners working with 3-5 year olds.
*Comprehensive pack to deliver ELGs *Nothing like it for this age range *All practitioners use festivals and seasonal ideas *Based on the Early Learning Goals *Provides ideas for a whole year *Photocopiable sheets.