Engineering Research Series (REP)
1 total work
Industrial Application of Environmentally Conscious Design
by T. C. McAloone
Published 20 January 2000
"Industrial Application of Environmentally Conscious Design" describes the transition that companies are making towards incorporating environmental thinking into their design and product development activities. Based upon the experiences, ideas and opinions of a collection of practitioners from product development companies in Europe and the USA, a pattern is identified, describing the cause and effect of the changes that industry moves through when learning and adopting environmental principles. Design managers within product development companies will find "Industrial Applications of Environmentally Conscious Design" a useful guide. Although based upon the electrical and electronics industry, useful parallels can be drawn from this book to many industry sectors. For companies who are just beginning to consider incorporating environmental considerations into their product development processes, this publication will act as a guide for the steps ahead. For companies who are more progressed in environmentally conscious design, the identification of a pattern will assist the continued effort required to lead industry toward continued environmental improvement.
To academics, the book should act as an inspiration for empirical research methodology, and also present a base-theory that can be built upon by subsequent research efforts. "Industrial Application of Environmentally Conscious Design" is the first book to be published as part of the Engineering Research Series. This new series, under the guidance of series editor Duncan Dowson, offers the opportunity to engineers in universities and industry to disseminate wider accounts of engineering research progress than are currently available. Material is selected for publication on the basis of its intrinsic quality, and potential applications and relevance to the wider professional engineering community. A range of engineering applications are covered each year to provide a useful information resource of significant developments in engineering research. Each title represents an important contribution to engineering research literature and will provide a valuable addition to university and other institutional libraries, as well as making leading topical research in specialist areas of engineering available to R&D experts in industry.
To academics, the book should act as an inspiration for empirical research methodology, and also present a base-theory that can be built upon by subsequent research efforts. "Industrial Application of Environmentally Conscious Design" is the first book to be published as part of the Engineering Research Series. This new series, under the guidance of series editor Duncan Dowson, offers the opportunity to engineers in universities and industry to disseminate wider accounts of engineering research progress than are currently available. Material is selected for publication on the basis of its intrinsic quality, and potential applications and relevance to the wider professional engineering community. A range of engineering applications are covered each year to provide a useful information resource of significant developments in engineering research. Each title represents an important contribution to engineering research literature and will provide a valuable addition to university and other institutional libraries, as well as making leading topical research in specialist areas of engineering available to R&D experts in industry.