No 6

This book is designed to enable the practitioner to define inappropriate/ dysfunctional social behaviour/skills and put forward explanatory hypotheses for such difficulties. Planning intervention strategies (social skills training/antisocial behaviour reduction) is covered as well as a guide to give to parents.


by Martin Herbert

Published 29 January 1996
The aims of this guide are to provide the practitioner with the means to assess parental bonding and infantile attachments. A description of infantile attachments, a look at contentious issues, evidence for and against the 'critical period' and a proforma to describe and rate parental attachments are included.

Separation and Divorce

by Martin Herbert

Published 29 January 1996
The book aims to provide an understanding of the implications of separation and divorce for children with guidelines to help parents prepare children for the break-up and cope with the aftermath. It includes a look at some of the ways to help children express the powerful, painful emotions aroused by their parents' decision to separate.

This guide is specifically about the assessment of children in need and includes the issue of abuse and the need for special eduaction and care. A guide to the meaning of 'significance of harm' as defined in the Children Act 1989, is also outlined.

This book covers all aspects of children's feeding problems such as behavioural problems at mealtime, finicky eating and the appetite of the child. It then goes on to look at some of the problems associated with bedtime battles such as nightime fears and worries.