Book 7

Call Me Wicked

by Jamie Sobrato

Published 29 May 2007

Sassy heroines and irresistible heroes embark on sizzling sexual adventures as they play the game of modern love and lust. Expect fast paced reads with plenty of steamy encounters.
Temptation this powerful must be indulged!

Carson McCullen’s sudden reappearance in Lauren Parish’s life has her imagining many new steamy encounters. Too bad she’s on the run from a deadly gang. When the hunters spy Carson, he becomes their target too, forcing the pair into hiding. Still, there are worse ways to pass the days than in seclusion with such a scrumptious, seductive man…

All too soon, however, they have to return to the real world…and the threat facing Lauren. She knows she should let Carson go – but can she give up the passion they’ve found?