Pretty Dead

by Gerry Boyle

Published 2 December 2003
Jack McMorrow is a stringer for the New York Times. His lover is social worker Roxanne Masterson and it's her newest case that's grabbed Jack's attention. The daughter of an obscenely wealthy Boston couple is the alleged victim of physical abuse. For Jack, it's just the kind of story the public loves and local celebrities David and Maddie Connelly are going to need more than money to bury this scandal. However, once inside the Connelly mansion, Jack and Roxanne find a couple genuinely concerned - yet genuinely guarded. Far more forthcoming is Angel Moretti, young and pretty enough to sink her hooks into any rich man. She's got an angle no one else has. But her secrets have been buried along with her body, just discovered in a shallow grave. Now Jack's story is on its way to becoming a front-page headline. And it will lead Jack and Roxanne to places far darker than Angel's grave...