v. 5

This is the fifth volume in the combustion treatise, aimed at practising engineers and advanced students. The volumes contain reviews of reference value to researchers in universities and industry. This volume discusses physical probes, laser-doppler velocimetry, (CARS coherent anti-strokes; raman spectroscopy) planar fluorescence imaging and multi-dimensional imaging. In the first chapter, "Basic Conditions", R.W. Bilger discusses why these new instruments are useful. He establishes the importance of concepts such as reduced reaction mechanisms and scalar dissipation which determines many of the requirements for advanced measurement techniques. H.A. Becker provides a review of intrusive probe measurements of gas composition, velocity and temperature. He provides critical analysis of three sampling probe designs, including the important, favourable contribution made by radical removal at the probe wall. L.P. Goss reviews CARS measurement of temperature and species concentration. He outlines the different approaches required depending on the magnitude of the mole fraction and the burner scale. An extensive section presents combeined CARS-DLV measurements. A.R.
Jones, in "Light Scattering for Particle Characterization", presents a critical review of "integral" methods, particularly for soot and Fraunhofer diffraction instruments. "Particle counting" methods, including the phase Doppler anemometer, are described and strategies for particles of unknown refractive index and shape are presented. M.V. Heitor, S.H. Stamer, A. Taylor and J.H. Whitelaw examine velocity, size and turbulent flux measurements by laser-Doppler velocimetry. After presenting novel methodologies and a review of scalar-velocity correlations, a series of applications is presented, including gasturbine combustors and internal combustion engines. J.M. Seitzman and R.K. Hanson describe measurements of concentration, temperature, velocity, pressure and density using planar. Several instruments, mosty optical, have recently become available, complimenting progress in computational techniques and contributing to the evaluation of models of turbulence and combustion. This book summarizes the state-of-the-art of the more important instruments in seven chapters. Each includes essential theory but concentrates on the potential by reference to measurement examples.